Hello loves, it is a gloomy Sunday morning and I am sitting on my couch looking back at the year that just passed. As always, we try to put things in boxes and I have been asking myself if 2023 was a positive or challenging year for me. The truth is that we can’t really judge, because life is made of both times and both are necessary to grow and appreciate what we have.
The beginning of the year was kind of tough for me, as I went through some health issues that took my mind off of everything else. Everything turned out to be fine in the end, but the whole process of figuring out what the problem was was draining my energy and my motivation to enjoy many other things (such as the blog!). I learned to pay more attention to myself and to take care of my health more closely but also to try to be more positive even when things don’t take the right turn.
2023 was a year of big changes for me. I realized I was not satisfied with my job as a scientist in the pharma industry and wanted to take a shift in my career. I was eager to try something new that would combine my passion for science with another passion of mine, writing. So I dedicated my evenings to drafting and sending out my applications and I got a new job as a scientific marketing executive. It has been an exciting journey so far, working on new projects and learning new skills with my team. My decision felt right from the beginning, letting the insecurities of starting a new path fall into the background and allowing me to enjoy the new experience from the start.
With the new job came a relocation. Oh yes, I moved from Germany to Switzerland. Moving has always been a very stressful experience for me. Leaving the people you care about, packing everything, finding a new place, building a new life, meeting new people…you can’t imagine the number of migraines I had in my last weeks in Germany. I felt so overwhelmed, and honestly, looking back, I could have taken things easier and everything turned out to be fine as always. Since it was not my first time in a foreign country, adapting was easier and I knew what to expect from myself and others. After six months I am still working on building new relationships, finding my routine, and dedicating time to the things I like. It is a work in progress and I don’t put pressure on myself because I know it will take some time but things will happen at my own pace and I can enjoy what life brings me in the meantime.
Hobbies were a very pleasant rediscovery of 2023. I started dancing again. I did dance when I was a teenager and stopped to dedicate time to my studies but it has always been a passion of mine. Although I am definitely not as good at it as I was before, I love to have that moment for myself to unwind and forget about everything that is going on in my life and focus on connecting with my body and the music. In the past months, I have neglected blogging, finding excuses like I don’t have time, I have to move, and I have to adapt to my new life. But every time I sit in front of the computer and start writing on the white document, I remember how much I love blogging and decide to pick up where I left off. So I will try my best to be more consistent without stressing myself and having a feeling that blogging is another thing that I am adding to my long to-do list. I do blogging with passion and without any ulterior motive, and I always want to have that feeling of fulfillment every time I write.
This year has been full of positive experiences for me! It has shown me one more step toward the direction that I want to pursue in my life, and it has inspired me to believe that I can make it happen. I have faced many difficulties and setbacks along the way, but I closed the year with more hope and a smile on my face. I feel prepared to embrace whatever the new year has in store for me, and I want to share my adventures with you all on this blog. Thank you all for your support and for dedicating your time to read my posts, I hope you enjoyed them!
Wishing you all the very best.
With love,